So I've defintely been ignoring my blog for the past x amount of weeks with all the craziness going on in my life; So I havn't exactly had time to post or even had time to breathe for that matter. School's finally winding down and thank god because I've been busting my ass so bad to get to graduation which is now finally around the corner. Not to mention prom is less then a month away and I cannot cannot cannot wait.
As of yesterday I just purchased my 2010 sherri hill gown (style #2017)♥ from my favorite gown boutique in Port Jeff. But with my luck, with this being the very last dress of it's kind left on Long Island (I would know, I called all 36 other stores that called Sherri Hill and asked with little luck.) it's a size 2. Me? I'm a perfect 4. So I sucked it up, handed over my debit card, charged my prom dress of my dreams and made a promise to myself and my bank account that I would hit the gym and start dieting everyday to make sure the dress will fit by June 11th. No if's and's or but's.
But back to homework, post back soon, pinky promse.
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