"...sometimes I feel like your entire life is a text from last night."
-Mariah Serrano
I love Friday's, I love getting my Sasha Fierce alter ego on, I love dancing with my clearly intoxicated bests, I love when my makeup comes out sick, I love shooting down moronic pick up lines like a bitch, I love top shelf liquor shots that I don't have to pay for, I love sending absurdly cute picture messages to a boy states away, I love my bestfriend even if I had to sit with her half the night to rub her back and keep creepy males away from her, I love mcdonalds at 4:30 a.m., I love being single, I love working like a crazy person, I love planning romantic suprises and I love my life 99% of the time except:
8 a.m. wake up calls, sleeping on a bunk bed with enough stuffed animals to populate a small country, going to work with x's of shame on my hands and having my tables call me out on it, working 12 hours without eating solid food or drinking anything else aside from coffee, guys who deny having girlfriends and end up wearing an entire bottle of soda by the end of the night, upchucking, not having a car, being single, bad tippers, and how I feel right now.
This post sucks, but I feel like absolute garbage at the moment. Tomorrow's Sunday, and it's my day off. THANK THE LORD. I'm bringing my exausted ass to bed now, goodnight loves.