"Maybe our mistakes are what make our fate."
Carrie Bradshaw

Meet my prom dress and weep. This would be my absolutely
gorgeous couture prom dress in the making from up and coming fashion designer
Mariah Serrano also known as Miss Fashion Fin. (
www.missfashionfin.blogspot.com) She never ceases to amaze me in all the years I've known her but she's honestly out done herself this time and I cannot wait to see the finished product. After all the years of sleepovers filled with sex and the city re-runs, ice-cream and dreaming up where we would be at 18 it's pretty surreal to be staring at the sketch of possibly the-most-beautiful gown I've laid my eyes on and perfectly fitting to every little whim I had told her I wanted.

And naturally I'm going to have to pair my amazing dress with nothing less then the above: my heart throb and completely out-of-my-price-range graduation present to myself. But considering I work my butt off and graduating by the skin of my teeth I figured why not, I deserve them right? Every girl needs a pair. Maybe they'll be a driving force to get me the hell out of this town and get to the city where they're just as common as starbucks. And maybe it's the 'Carrie Bradshaw Influence' at such a young age but they kind of tie into any idea of a happy ending in my book so I fully intend on wearing a pair to every big monumental day in my life; prom, graduation, wedding, funeral... you know the basics? Haha I don't know if Manolo Blahnik would appreciate the morbid idea of me planning to wear a pair of his to die for heels (no pun intended on that one) in my casket ahead of time but oh well.
Dear June 11th,
please hurry up.
Dorothy Marie Smith.
ha, you got some good fashion taste...expensive too