They say a pictures worth a thousand words, but sometimes I would say that I would strongly disagree with that; pictures can also leave you speechless and on the contrary have no words, let alone a thousand to say. The more I look at old pictures of when we were happy the more speechless I become. It just so happens this was the last happy picture of the collection, taken two days before the person pictured next to me lost his bestfriend... His big brother. And this picture was taken two days before I lost him as well, emotionally speaking. I have never seen pain before in my life before I saw the tragedy that hit him and his family. Tears still well up in my eyes as I write this because seeing the one person in the world that you love most going threw the most unimaginable pain and not being able to do a single thing about it is the absolute most terrible heartwrenching, vile thing I've ever been threw. Death is so permanent, so unexplicable that it leaves behind a trail of disaster that may fade somewhat over time but like a stain, it never really goes away. Drug addiction unfortunately was the culprit behind this untimely death but doesn't make it any easier or acceptable for the people I've had to see go through it. The Balzer family has been the strongest most amazing people I've witnessed and continues to fight the war against drug addiction by presenting Brian's story at local highschools in hopes that they can make a difference and save another family from experiencing the devasting blow they've had to endure. And recently seeing a good friend of mine go through this terrible process of grieving recently had brought it all rushing back to me again and opened some wounds I thought had long healed... Rest in peace Brian, your missed mire then you know. Sometimes the things we have no control over, whether it being death or losing someone your in love with, hurt even worse then they things you bring upon yourself. Goodnight guys, promise for a happier blog tomorrow.
"Lost love is still love. It takes a different form, that's all; memory."
-Mitch Albom
-- Post From My iPhone
Condolences to all those involved, I know how hard it is to lose someone forever. Definitely feels good to have people behind ya when it happens. <3